Healthcare Insurance
In 2020 Elephant Artist Relief Society (EAR) joined other arts centered organizations in Canada as an associate member of The Arts & Entertainment Plan.
By joining this nonprofit insurance plan, artists can band together as a community, to help lower costs, and make healthcare more affordable for each other.
EAR members are guaranteed acceptance without providing a medical history so long as you are younger than 71 years of age. As a self-employed career artist, the premiums and any associated medical expenses could be written-off at tax time. This group plan comes with prescription drug coverage, extended healthcare, dental care, life and disability insurance, travel insurance, and an optional family assistance program. For more information visit and don’t forget to tell them you’re an EAR member! You can also email EAR at:
Health Insurance Subsidy Pilot Program
EAR is currently conducting a Health Insurance Subsidy Pilot Program by providing 15 artists health insurance for one year. This is a program that has been in development for 2 years, and EAR received funding through CADA to run the Pilot Program in order to gather insight and information, to build a case for support, and further develop the program with hopes to expand this opportunity to all members.
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Pilot program offers some Calgary artists ‘lifesaver’ health insurance
Calgary visual artist Sabine Lecorre-Moore says a pilot health insurance program provides her with a safety net she didn’t have before. Carolyn Kury de Castillo/Global News
Health Insurance Subsidy
Pilot Program - Background
EAR’s primary program is the Emergency Financial Relief Program that provides funding for artists of all disciplines who are in an urgent financial or medical crisis. However, since 2019, and especially during the Covid 19 pandemic, EAR has been receiving an ever increasing number of applications for subsistence funding – artists requiring funding for rent, food, and immediate needs. In 100% of these applications, artists also have had unaddressed medical needs that they weren’t able to address due to costs/access.
Due to this, EAR identified a need in the arts community for access to group health insurance for artists and creative professionals who do not have access to employer sponsored benefits.
In an effort to provide proactive resources to artists, EAR partnered with A&E, a national non profit Group Health Insurance provider. With this partnership, EAR is able to offer all members of our organization access to group health insurance, at group health insurance rates.
EAR recognized that not all artists would be able to afford even just premiums for group health insurance. This information was compiled from a survey of members and past Relief recipients. 70% of respondents indicated that they did not have access to health insurance benefits and 100% were interested in help in accessing these services.
EAR also identified the need to partner with other arts service organizations to bring more awareness of this program, and EAR, as well as to create a support network in the arts community.
With this information, EAR began developing a Health Insurance Subsidy Program that would provide funding to subsidize the cost of premiums for the Group Health Insurance Plan and costs not covered.
EAR has received funding from CADA to run a pilot to help inform the development of the Health Insurance Subsidy program. This Subsidy Pilot will partner with 5 arts service organizations, representing different arts disciplines, to identify 3 artists per organization who EAR will provide the cost of premiums to the Group Health Benefits for one year. We have reached out to a diverse group of organizations, who have chosen three members of their organization to participate.
This Subsidy program is significant because it has the potential to provide a much needed safety net for artists in the community.
The culmination of this pilot program will result in 15 artists accessing subsidized group health insurance for one year, in addition to creating partnerships and relationships with other arts service organizations, to share resources and information and strengthen the arts community.
This Subsidy Program would allow artists to continue to work within the gig economy and provide a much needed safety net for artists in the community. Thus, this support would allow artists to continue creating, making, and sharing their vision and ideas with the Calgary region.
Arts & Entertainment Plan®
Health Insurance
The Arts & Entertainment Plan® is personal health insurance made exclusively for the Canadian artistic community. Offered by a not-for-profit insurer, the Arts & Entertainment Plan® is available nationwide and easy to join.